
Like therapy finding the perfect match for supervision is a must. I offer more than the average supervisor because training is another passion of mine and I believe it’s our duty as mental health practitioners to ensure that interns are equipped with the necessary tools to excel and meet the challenges within the field. I am a State of Florida Qualified Supervisor for Mental Health Counselor Interns.


As an intern in the state of Florida you are required to complete 1500 client contact hours under the supervision of a Qualified Supervisor in no less than 100 weeks.  You must have at least 1 hour of supervision every 2 weeks and at least 50% of your supervision must be individual or pair supervision.  Group supervision can be a maximum of 6 interns. Registered Interns must complete the licensure process within 5 years of registering. At Just Be, Supervision is offered in the individual and group setting. Contact me for pricing and further details.